Local History Resources
FAQs About Sheboygan
How did our city get its name? Why does Sheboygan have so many bike lanes? What's the history behind the city's oldest buildings? Our reference librarians have compiled answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about our beloved city.
Library Plaza Water Feature
Did you know the 8th Street Water Feature was designed by the noted landscape architect Lawrence Halprin? Learn more about Halprin and his work in Sheboygan.
Mead Local History Collection
Mead Public Library maintains an extensive collection of historical documents, military records, newspaper clippings, photographs and much more. View a list of finding aids to begin your research using this collection.
Digital Sheboygan Newspaper Archives
- Local news from The Sheboygan Press since November 30, 2002
- Local news from The Sheboygan Press from 1909 to 1976
- Local news from The Sheboygan Telegram from 1887 to 1921
- Sheboygan Daily Press 1909-1910, Sheboygan Evening Press 1912, and the Sheboygan Mercury 1848-1860
Sheboygan Press Index
Begin your newspaper research using our manual index of the Sheboygan Press covering papers printed from 1940-2008.

Sheboygan's Holocaust Survivors
Holocaust Collection
Mead Public Library’s Jewish Holocaust Collection includes the personal archives and files of Sheboygan residents who survived the Holocaust and its aftermath. Learn more about the collection, including online materials and archival material housed at the library.

Digital Photo Collection
Monarch Digital Collection
This collection contains thousands of historic images submitted by residents and digitized through a 2014 Library Services and Technology grant.
Other Resources
Sheboygan County Historical Research Center
Located in Sheboygan Falls, the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center collects, preserves and makes available the written documentation and images of Sheboygan County.
Local history enthusiast Carey Federer maintains this site featuring history, genealogy, pictures, yearbooks, school pictures, biographies, and much more.
Features a large section of digitized images from Sheboygan County, including many furniture catalogs, military records, and city and county directories from 1875-1898. Go to "Browse Sheboygan County Historical Documents" from this link to see the list of items.
Featuring a space to discover digital historical and cultural resources from libraries, archives, museums and historical societies across Wisconsin.
Digital Public Library of America
This site brings together the riches of America's libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world.